Thursday, 24 September 2015

Entry #2 September 24th

Man who pushed woman off cliff during hike in the Colorado Rockies convicted of murder



Last Monday a federal jury convicted a 59 year old man guilty of murder after pushing his second wife off a cliff in the Rocky’s of Colorado after failing to prove that it was just an accidental fall. Believe it or not this is not the first time Harold Henthorn was in a situation where his wife was killed by accidental causes. In 1995, Harold’s firs wife, Saundra, died after her and her husband were changing a flat tire when the jack ‘failed’ and fell on top of her where she died of result to her injuries. About 20 years he got away with this incident where they blamed the jack for the death, but when a reoccurring incident such as another wife dying, they looked even deeper into what really happened. Officials said that it was their 12th anniversary and that Harold took her to a well know hiking destination that he picked out, not expecting his wife to ‘fall’ when she was taking a picture. They said he traveled this hiking spot over 9 times to find the right spot to push his wife over a cliff where survival was very minimum and witnesses could not see. When park rangers asked why he had a red X marked where she fell, he could not give them a reason. They say he staged her death so he could get the $4.7 million in life insurance, but instead all he is getting now will be a life sentence in prison.

David Zalubowski/ Associated PressThe picture to the left is the mother of the woman who pushed killed, giving her prayers. 


    In my opinion I cannot believe what mental state this man could be in, in order to kill two of his wives for his own ‘benefit’. When you read about the time when he first wife died by a failed jack, and then read about the footprint on the side of the car that indicates he kicked it for it to fall, it just doesn’t seem right. When this case arose not too long ago, I’m glad prosecutors, the police, jury and judge did what was right and convicted him to life in prison. This guy obviously thought that he was a smart person who could get away with whatever he wanted, but the evidence he left behind proves his thoughts and actions were very idiotic. Leaving a big red X on a map right where you wife fell… probably not the smartest thing to do when trying to get away with murder. The amount of greed this man had to try and gain $4.7 million from Tori (wife) when she didn’t even know about is just awful, I do not know how that man can live with himself from day to day. This article just proves to me that there are indeed crazy people out there with insane thoughts, even from the people you might least expect. This is just an outrageous article, I hope I never come across something like this again.

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